There's a way to get more of what you do want to happen (higher quality, fewer call outs, etc) AND not add to your workload.




There's a way to get more of what you do want to happen (higher quality, fewer call outs, etc)

AND not add to your workload.

Performance Pay (the Easy Way)

If you are tired of the call outs, the call backs, and all the nagging and hovering that is required, it's time to change what you're doing.

After the workshop, you will have the tools to implement your own Pay for Performance program and make it a win-win for everyone.

Reduce the call outs, the call backs, and the bad attitudes and start feeling in control again.

You've tried constantly nagging...and that didn't work

You’ve tried being super nice and giving...and that didn't work

You’ve tried bending the rules for them...and that didn't work

You need to get clear about expectations, so that your employees know how they can win at your company

What if you stopped putting a thumb on your employees — and instead, watched your employees succeed (getting the results you want)?

Here's the deal with constantly nagging your employees... it is exhausting for management AND your employees won't respond to that approach.

Believe it or not, your employees are craving clear boundaries.

When the rules/policies constantly change, the employee has no idea of what you expect of them.

As human beings, we crave to know "How am I doing?"

Your employees, want to know where they stand at work. "Am I doing well, or am I in trouble?"

Think about it. That's why we get graded in school and why they keep score in sports. A scoreboard is crucial to success.

The "A Players" want to succeed, but they need to know how. "What number do I need to hit to win?"

In our Pay for Performance system, they know what the target is, they watch the scoreboard, and then tell managment if they had a winning score.

..and that’s where Turn-Key Pay for Performance comes in...

Ready to finally reduce the stress from managing employees? You need to make the expected outcome super clear and let your employees keep the score.

The Turn-Key Pay for Performance Program

Finally reduce the stress from running your business (at least where employees are concerned)

...and gain some freedom from your business because it no longer requires your micromanaging.

Here's everything that's included

  • Understand the "Why's" Behind Pay for Performance

  • Define What You Want to Improve

  • Define the Incentives

  • Define the Type of PFP Program

  • Define How Your Employees Will Track

  • Use Our Turn-Key Bonus Trackers to Implement Right Away

Today's price: just $37

Let's build THEIR scoreboard, together.

I love this method because it shifts the responsibility off of management and empowers the employees.

Hi, I'm Martha

I opened a service business back in 2007 and I thought I’d be a pro at leading employees. Boy was I wrong. My business was a mess. We had horrible quality, the employees were ultimately in charge, and I hated my work life.

All it took was a “bully” employee who pushed me to the limits. That employee was a God-send because she made me see that I was the source of everything going wrong in my company.

From that point forward, I totally reversed my toxic culture into a positive culture built on quality, accountability, and respect. These days, even though we have many more staff members, the management staff spends very little time on employee issues. In fact, I rarely go to the office, work on the business about 3 hours a week, and just see my employees for the “fun events”…all the while we maintain a 98% client satisfaction rate and a 100% employee satisfaction rate.

Pay for Performance, metrics and accountability became so much a part of my company culture that it lead to me co-founding Quality Driven Software,, so I could have the data and reports at my fingertips. However, any of the principles that are mentioned can be implemented without Quality Driven Software.

Martha's PFP program gave us freedom in our company again!

Hi, I'm Meaghan

I opened a service business back in 2007 and I thought I’d be a pro at leading employees. Boy was I wrong. My business was a mess. We had horrible quality, the employees were ultimately in charge, and I hated my work life.

All it took was a “bully” employee who pushed me to the limits. That employee was a God-send because she made me see that I was the source of everything going wrong in my company.

From that point forward, I totally reversed my toxic culture into a positive culture built on quality, accountability, and respect. These days, even though we have many more staff members, the management staff spends very little time on employee issues. In fact, I rarely go to the office, work on the business about 3 hours a week, and just see my employees for the “fun events”…all the while we maintain a 98% client satisfaction rate and a 100% employee satisfaction rate.

Pay for Performance, metrics and accountability became so much a part of my company culture that it lead to me co-founding Quality Driven Software,, so I could have the data and reports at my fingertips. However, any of the principles that are mentioned can be implemented without Quality Driven Software.

The Turn-Key Pay for Performance Program

Finally reduce the stress from running your business (at least where employees are concerned)

...and gain some freedom from your business because it no longer requires your micromanaging.

Here's everything that's included

  • Understand the "Why's" Behind Pay for Performance

  • Define What You Want to Improve

  • Define the Incentives

  • Define the Type of PFP Program

  • Define How Your Employees Will Track

  • Use Our Turn-Key Bonus Trackers to Implement Right Away

Today's price: just $37

Copyright © Martha Woodward