Build a self-motivated, self-directed team

Do you feel like your employees hold you and your company hostage? Learn how to take the control back so that it is a win-win for everyone.


Let your employees choose their own path through transparency and data. In turn, you will only keep the best employees, and weed out the poor cultural fits.


Create a culture that requires no micromanaging from your leadership team. It's a wonderful feeling when you shift the responsibility from management to the employees. And, it's a win-win for all.


Let's face it, leading employees is stressful. Create a culture of trust and respect and no longer feel “held hostage” by your employees. Feeling in control, but allowing your employees to feel respected, brings peace.

Wish you could reduce negative employee behavior?

The process is actually very straight forward. It’s the implementation that stops most people in their tracks.

Do you have a strategy behind your staff meetings? If not, grab my staff meeting outline.

I'll share all my secrets about how to hold a successful staff meeting.  Pop in your name and email to get your free download.

Build Teams Who Give a SH#T!

Ready to ramp up your business success with quality employees this year? Join us and start building a business that gives you freedom and peace of mind.

Build a team of employees who are WITH you, not against you. Build a team that "has your back".

What you are probably missing are SYSTEMS. You and your employees need systems in order to know what is expected, know what is not allowed, and how to excel in the company.

Free Resources

Staff Meeting Outline

Get my step by step process of how to lead a productive staff meeting.

Bad Manager Questionnaire

Get my step by step process of how to lead a productive staff meeting.

Tracking Sheet

Get my step by step process of how to lead a productive staff meeting.

Do Checklists Work?

Get my step by step process of how to lead a productive staff meeting.

Disciplinary Action Sheet

Get my step by step process of how to lead a productive staff meeting.

Virtual Recruiting Tips

Get my step by step process of how to lead a productive staff meeting.

Private Culture First Membership

The process is actually very straight forward. It’s the implementation that stops most people in their tracks. Employee engagement takes focus and I believe you should have a resource for that. Join me and other business owners in my Culture First membership.

Hi, I'm Martha

I opened a service business back in 2007 and I thought I’d be a pro at leading employees. Boy was I wrong. My business was a mess. We had horrible quality, the employees were ultimately in charge, and I hated my work life.

All it took was a “bully” employee who pushed me to the limits. That employee was a God-send because she made me see that I was the source of everything going wrong in my company.

From that point forward, I totally reversed my toxic culture into a positive culture built on quality, accountability, and respect. These days, even though we have many more staff members, the management staff spends very little time on employee issues. In fact, I rarely go to the office, work on the business about 3 hours a week, and just see my employees for the “fun events”…all the while we maintain a 98% client satisfaction rate and a 100% employee satisfaction rate.

Pay for Performance, metrics and accountability became so much a part of my company culture that it lead to me co-founding Quality Driven Software,, so I could have the data and reports at my fingertips. However, any of the principles that are mentioned can be implemented without Quality Driven Software.

What our clients are saying

As seen and Heard On

Do you have a strategy behind your staff meetings? If not, grab my staff meeting outline.

I'll share all my secrets about how to hold a successful staff meeting.  Pop in your name and email to get your free download.

Quality Driven Software

Employee performance tracking software is the perfect compliment to your Pay for Performance program. This program will help you keep track of HR issues such as breakage, policy violations, quality issues and much more.

Copyright © Martha Woodward